Saturday, December 09, 2006

Quarky meets Poddy

It is about time for a new character to enter our lives, Quarky and me have been traveling places - landscapes, valley crossings, jungles and have had a good time. We ve met many people in our journeys,but none who caused as much an impact as this man we are going to describe.

His name is Poddy- a thin lean guy like me and we share similar tastes. Both of us love music- sorry , we live music.
He came into our lives a week back, and since then it has never been the same.Life is now more musical, more upbeat and more plugged. I just have to ask him to sing a song for me and he does that with no hesitation.

Quarky loves Poddy too.. Quarky tells him stories of his erstwhile merman life and how the aqua world was his own and how he killed an eel out of sheer bravado when it tried to kill his folks. - And Poddy sings him songs, enacts movies - loud, happy and living his life on his own terms. The two buddies have now become the most inseparable duo, we have known. Now I am not lonely when I drive, Poddy is there with me. And in spite of being the most technologically advanced among his generation - he is as humble as me [:D] No chest beating, no false ego.

Long live Poddy

P.S. Poddy is my new I-Pod


zubair said...

that was nice.......

Anonymous said...

hey it was really good

audi said...

amazing man...

BlackThorn said...

yeah, long live poddy!